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Friday 4 October 2013

Here Is What Stands Between You And Financial Independence

The one thing that stops over 90% of all online marketers from making money is the fact that they do not have the right mental approach!

Put simply people who are rich think differently than people who are poor. This thought pattern starts when they are poor – not when they are rich and it is the reason they are rich.

If you give 2 people the exact same set of money making instructions to follow and one has a ‘poor mindset’ and the other a ‘rich mindset’ then one will succeed and one will fail. I have seen this on many occasions and in many businesses both online and offline. It is possible that the ‘poor mindset’ owner will make some money but at best they will reach ‘survival level’ and more often than not they will lose money.

In a recent survey that I saw which asked internet marketers taking the poll how much money they had made online:

 27% said they were new and had not made a penny.
 38% said they had been trying for over 6 months and had not made a penny.
 19% said they had been trying over a year and not made a penny.
 11% said they had made $100 or less
 2% said they had made $1,000 or less
 3% said they had made over $1,000

Now I am not sure exactly who took part in the poll but the results show that 84% of internet marketers had made absolutely nothing! Of the remaining 16% over half had made hardly anything and only 3% made over $1,000.

If that has put you off marketing online then you can look at it another way.

5% are actually marketers and 95% are buyers. That’s right 95% are caught in what is often called “shiny object syndrome” going from one product to the next hoping to find something that will make them rich. Some magic button, secret formula or undercover code.

That’s great for the 5% because it means that they have a ready market always eager to try the next “Big Thing!”

I am willing to bet that you have bought some of these “shiny objects” – I have bought them myself! We know deep down that they will not work but for only $37 we will give it a go. After all there must be some truth and value in what is being sold – it is a bit like playing the lottery and hoping that one day we will strike it rich!

What you must do is make the switch from buyer to seller BUT I am not advocating that you sell “shiny objects” to misguided hopefuls. Far from it!

In fact I want you to circulate this report to as many people as you can to put an end to this trafficking that destroys hopes and dreams and causes people to go broke $37 at a time!

What I also want you to do is get real!

Realize that there is a pot of gold there for you as long as you are prepared to dig for it!

To dig effectively you will need the tools and that is the easy part because they are available all over the internet, let’s face it making money is simple – it can be broken down into 5 steps which I will cover later.

The harder part is to get the ‘rich mindset’ because that is what you will need to become successful.

Buddha wrote, "“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. What we think, we become.“

I’m not going to sugarcoat things: you currently have a ‘poor mindset’ or you would not be reading this report. It’s not your fault! We are conditioned to think in this way from early childhood – it’s not a deliberate conspiracy but it happens.


Because the people that teach us don’t know any better! Our parents may have struggled to bring us up, put us through college and pay the bills. The teachers and tutors in the schools and universities are from the same background and so how can they teach anything other than what they know?

My parents encouraged me to get qualifications and a job as a professional and so I did! I became an accountant and I made BIG money working in Bermuda. In their eyes I was successful but I was not happy. It's not their fault. They wanted the best for me and from working class backgrounds that was all they knew, but I was living their dream not my own.

Were you ever tutored by a millionaire?

People in general think money is hard to come by and so their subconscious is programmed to understand that money is hard to come by and their subconscious proves them right! It is a vicious circle stemming from a belief that being poor is normal. When I talk about being poor that is a personal level but it is a level at which we get stuck! It may be at $10,000 a year or $10,000 a month but whatever the level it is a level set by our mind.

Someone who exists on $1,000 a month is $1,000 poor and will stay there until he believes he is worth more. In the same way someone who is $10,000 a month poor (seems rich to someone who is $1,000 a month poor) is stuck at that level and can only progress when he believes that he is worth more and so on.

What is your level?

How long have you been stuck at that level?

If you are honest with yourself you will soon see that what I am saying is right and the great thing is that once you break free from this ‘poor mindset’ you will be empowered to attract as much abundance as you want.
How can you break free?

First understand that every cell in our body has a memory, memory is not confined to the brain. It is the reason that addicts find it so hard to break away from their “habit”. They may have a burning mental desire to quit but the cellular level drags them back time and time again.

Having said that every journey starts with the first step and in this case that step is to reprogram our mind so deliberately and constantly that in time it spreads into every cell in our body. Once the journey is started it is better to have support and this is best found from people making the same journey.

What is needed to start this journey is a feeling that we are not prepared any longer to settle for what we have! If you read any books about people who are successful you will always find that their success stems from a low point in their life, a point where something just clicks and they make a commitment to themselves that they will not stand for mediocrity any more.

Read about Tony Robbins, George Lucas, Richard Branson, Alan Sugar, Arnold Schwarzenegger - it does not matter who you pick – they reached a point in their lives when they said, “enough is enough, I am going to break free and have everything I want or die in that cause”.

It is not a matter of trying, it is a total commitment to their own success no matter what and that is when they become rich. It is not the instant that they have everything; it is the instant that they believe and envision that they will have everything! They become blessed with the ‘rich mindset’.

So how does this affect you?

Let me tell you a story about a bear, a little girl and a nail.

The little girl was visiting the zoo and found herself in front of a bear sat in a cage. The bear was sat there and he looked so unhappy that the girl found the keeper and the following conversation took place: Girl: The bear looks so unhappy, why is that? Keeper: He likes to sit and watch people go by but there is a nail in the branch he is sat on. Girl: That must hurt. Keeper: Yes – that’s why he looks unhappy. Girl: So why doesn’t he move? Keeper: I guess it doesn’t hurt enough!

I have seen this in so many people over the years. They complain about their job, their neighborhood, their old car etc. but they never do anything about it because it just doesn’t hurt enough. They prefer to go through life enduring the pain rather than make the change.

So my question to you is do you hurt enough?

Are you sick of the pain?
Are you prepared to commit to yourself to get a new vision and not stop until you make that vision a reality?
Are you ready to break free from “shiny object syndrome” and create the life that you can visualize?
A life filled with plenty A life where you can do what you want when you want and with whoever you want A life where your dreams are for living A life filled with personal success

Imagine being able to travel the world, sit on tropical beaches, live in your dream home, have all your kids tuition prepaid.
Imagine just being able to go into any restaurant and order whatever you want without checking the price.
Imagine not having to get up in the morning and go to a job you hate just to pay the bills.
Imagine booking a holiday and picking a hotel because it’s the best and not because it’s the cheapest.
Imagine seeing a new car and walking into the showroom and saying I’ll have that one, here is my check!
Imagine anything you want and know that it can be yours just by flicking the switch!
I told you that making money is a simple formula and I will give you that formula now. Take it and implement it and I wish you every success.

Here it is in just 5 steps:
1. Get an offer
2. Get traffic to the offer
3. Upsell the offer
4. Have a backend offer
5. Follow up
That’s it!

Just build that process, automate it and expand it! SIMPLE!

But if you want to truly guarantee your success then you need to make the switch from being poor to being rich. Once you do that you will start to see opportunity and obstacles will become molehills instead of mountains. You will start to attract wealth without even trying.

I want you to think back to something that you were proud to achieve in the past. It doesn’t matter what it was but it should be: Something that makes you smile inside. Something that makes you glow with satisfaction. Something that at the time sent the blood rushing and the adrenaline flowing. Something that even now, when you think of it, brings back those same feelings. Have you got it firmly fixed in your mind, can you feel it throughout your whole body?

My friend it is that feeling that drives the rich to success – it is not the money – money is a bi-product of striving for that wonderful feeling, day after day, week after week!

It is a feeling that will make you jump out of bed and feel ready to live your dreams on a daily basis and I can help you get that feeling and keep it driving you forward ever closer to everything in life that you desire.

Success Lifestyles is not about providing you with just the systems and tools for making money. You can get those anywhere! It is about providing you with the means and support to having a ‘rich mindset’ and through that mindset becoming rich. As rich as you want as fast as you want! You could strip everything away from Richard Branson, Donald Trump, Alan Sugar, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates or any other mega rich businessman and within a few months they would again have a personal fortune. Why? Because they are their fortune – it is what they have become and what they attract.

I know this from observations, mentoring others and personal experience. These are not just my observations either! There is massive evidence from many sources to support what I say if you are prepared to look for it. If you don’t believe me then that’s fine, you can go on doing what you have been doing and keep getting the results that you have been getting and when you get sick of failing I will still be here to help; if you have not been drained of all ambition. There is a Buddhist proverb that says, “When the student is ready, the master appears.”

What you need to do is to develop new habits that make you act, think, and ultimately prosper like a millionaire – that is what having a ‘rich mindset’ is about!

What I am offering, is to help those who are GENUINELY ready to make a change in their lives and I will commit to putting in the time to make sure that everyone who wants to succeed will succeed.

So by now you probably want to know what it will cost you!

I am often asked how much it takes to get started in an online business and the answer is it varies! So how much do you need? I say the more you put in the greater will be your commitment. I have seen people invest $50,000+ in a leasehold shop, work 60 hours a week and be worse off than when they had a job but they keep going because they committed to it – even if it takes years. However I suggest to the same people that for starting an online business with unlimited potential they should have $5,000 and they think I am crazy or trying to rip them off.

So what should you commit to? The more the better – it’s not for me – it is your investment in YOU!

Its seed money for your business – it’s there to fall back on when a campaign goes badly – it’s there to do a massive scale up when a campaign goes well – it’s there to prove to yourself that you are serious and will do what it takes until you win! As a minimum I suggest that you commit to at least $200 a month, some seed capital (the more the better) and 3 hours a day, but that is just my suggestion. I expect that if you really get involved and commit to the program that you will soon be generating income and so will be able to increase your monthly investment to ramp up your earnings.

As a rule of thumb I always like to disregard 30% of what I earn so that I can re-invest a minimum of 20% and tithe 10% and I suggest you do the same- that way you can keep your business growing. So earning just a measly $1,000 a month covers your $200 a month investment plus an extra $100 of tithing and still leaves you with a profit of $700 a month.

If you can’t commit to at least $200 a month then it will be harder but with ambition and dedication you can still find success! If you choose to wait that’s fine but remember the longer you delay the farther away your dreams become so in the meantime save and don’t waste your cash chasing “shiny objects”. You know what I mean, the “push button” software etc. scams. Chase those and you will go broke $37 at a time!!

Success Lifestyles will provide you with coaching, systems and everything you need to succeed but you will need cash for software, outsourcing and paid ads etc. which will make your life easier and get you where you want to be much faster.

I have now opened the doors to some amazing coaching that I have seen sold for many thousands of dollars; and its worth every penny! But I want the whole world to have access to this and so I have made it available totally free at:

All you need do is register as a free member and USE THE TRAINING!

But I want your commitment to yourself and your fellow members because to help you achieve the ‘rich mindset’ we will all be working together in mastermind groups. Drawing strength, encouragement and ideas from each other. Working jointly on projects and using each other’s personal skills for the benefit of the group rather than ploughing a lonely furrow.

See our Facebook Group by clicking here now

I have put together a system and plan that will allow me to get you started on the right foot and create for you a residual income. You can watch the video about this Guaranteed Income Plan by clicking here now.

It will not be a large income (probably only about $250 a month) but it will prove to you that the system works and give you belief in what you are doing. Once that belief is there it will grow and it will fuel your income so that you become a part of an upward spiral growing in all areas of your life and believing that anything is possible.

If you want to be a part of this winners group, one of the motivated members and get on track for a monthly income of $10,000+ within 90 days (some will make much more) I suggest you apply now.

Just Imagine What Life Will Be Like When You Have The Habits Of A Millionaire...Opportunities, success and adventure lie ahead, are you ready to make a shift?

Does it hurt enough?


1 comment:

  1. i like your website and blog its different to the others......ive seen so many guru flashy videos that just dont really make it easy to see that theres ways we can all change..they just make it obvious they want OUR money lol....i love the motivation and mindset videos! im hoping and willing to give this a go and be successful. many thanks for this post it has made me see things in a different way and life in general :)
