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Friday 11 October 2013

Here Is How I Am Getting Traffic For Nothing...

As we all know, there are three main things that we need to have in place to have a successful business.

1. An auto-responder.
2. A landing page.
3. Traffic.

The first two items on the above list are quite easy to arrange and there is loads of good information available which discusses the pros and cons of these subjects.

I want to concentrate here on what I think is the most difficult part and that is traffic.

I have been for some time trying to find a way of getting a regular amount of GOOD traffic to my landing page. What I mean by good traffic is, subscribers that are very targeted and are likely to want to participate in the offer that I am promoting.

After listening to some of the 'gurus' I tried buying solo ads. O.K. I did get a lot of opt-ins but, to be honest, the conversion rate was not that good so I was building a list (which you must do) but the people that were on it, or at least an awful lot of them were never going to buy anything from me. It also meant that I was paying for my auto-responder to be full of next to useless names and email addresses. Although not expensive, I felt that this was not the best way.
So it was back to the drawing board.

I had noticed that a lot of the successful people were using Facebook as a means of advertising but I always thought that this was very expensive, Then I saw a video by Graham Frame in the free members area of Simple Fast Cash ( that showed how to create a Facebook group page so I created one of my own (Nets Best Thing) and began to add people to it. Pretty soon I had folk asking to be added and the number of people began to increase daily. Then I found that I could also join other groups and put my advert. on their page FREE.

I played around with this for a couple of days and I found a good picture and a couple of pieces of copy that seemed to work well. I alternated the copy every two days so that the same advert. didn't appear too often.

Many of these group pages may have 10,000 or more people as members so by putting my ads. on say 10 group pages I was reaching a lot of potentially interested people. I joined loads of groups so that I was able to post to 10 different groups maybe a dozen times during the day. There are hundreds if not thousands of these groups so there are plenty to join. If you work out the potential number of people that could see your advert. the figures are staggering and the best part is that it is for FREE.

Remember that these people have joined these groups because they are interested in the subject so they are very targeted leads.

I left about an hour between each batch of a dozen postings so that I didn't get any problems from Facebook for posting too many times. I understand that the actual number that you are allowed to post is considerably more but I didn't want to take any chances.

I began to get between 5 – 10 good leads per day.
You may think that 5 – 10 leads a day are not very many but that's 35 – 70 good targeted leads a week that have cost you NOTHING but time.

It is possible to automate this process by joining one of the many automatic posting programs but I wanted to keep my costs to the bare minimum until I had proved that this method was working.

I must say that I am very happy with the way things are going at the moment and will probably be looking at one of these automatic posting programs very soon.

It should be possible to get the number of leads I get each day up to say 20 which would mean over 100 good leads per week.

I hope this short article is useful to you and if there is anything I can do to help with this, please drop me an email and I will do all I can.

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